
The story of the Rosebud House of Prayer for All Nations


In Rosebud, South Dakota, Theresa Faith Eastman (Sicangu Lakota) plans to put a House of Prayer for All Nations on her property. This desire, the long process of the Lord giving her this burden, began with a simple personal experience under a bridge in Minneapolis.

"Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" John 4:29
“Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:29

Freezing and homeless under an overpass during a -30 degree Minnesota winter night in 2008, Theresa experienced the grace of the Lord: a group of young women, holding burning candles, came singing Amazing Grace.

Just days before, Theresa had been thinking about the words to that hymn. After the loving care of the visitors, she realized why God had placed the lyrics in her mind:

“I know now He did that to make sure I knew it was Him…that [He] cared that I was freezing down there under that bridge, so lost, so empty and dead inside.”

Theresa now hopes to bring God’s amazing grace to her birthplace in Rosebud. Growing up, she says people never heard about the love of God:

“We grew up with a distorted view of God. We were told He is a punishing God, and that we were unworthy of Him.”

While in prison, after years of reading Scripture, God slowly began to give her a desire to put something on her land. She grasped the idea of a House of Prayer for All Nations after reading Isaiah 56, which says:

I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.

Isaiah 56:7

The great Sioux Nation, she thought, needs to hear about God’s will – that people who walk in darkness can know Jesus as their personal intimate Savior.

At first she was hesitant to share her vision for a House of Prayer for All Nations with people, but after prayer and consultation with others, God has confirmed it. On June 3rd, a group of 17 people traveled to Rosebud to pray on the land.

Soon, by God’s grace, a construction team will begin building.  The House of Prayer for All Nations, a place of prayer, Scripture reading, and light, will be established for the many people who suffer in darkness in Rosebud.

RHOP Tax Documents

RHOP’s annual tax filings and exemption applications are available for public inspection via the USA Internal Revenue Service website: Web link is: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/ . RHOP EIN is: 36-4898080 or search by organization name: Rosebud House of Prayer.

21 thoughts on “About

  1. I’m so excited, Theresa! The House of Prayer will make a God–change, not only for Rosebud and the surrounding communities, but for All Nations, amen! God will honor your faith (your middle name!)

  2. God is doing a work before our eyes, so many providences and sovereign kindnesses. he has promised to complete what He has begun. This is a wonderful work!!

  3. After visiting this past week and meeting so many lovely native believers I found myself wondering in my prayer times if God might be using native believers across this land to spearhead a revival in Christ’s church, showing forgiveness to one another and to those who mistreat(ed) them? Might First Nation believers be the ones to challenge whites, blacks and every other people to return to God and reject false gods?

    Much appreciation to my sisters and brothers on the reservation!

  4. In the depth of my soul there is a place that carries a love and passion to see all Native American people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I have cried out to the LORD many times in prayer for this to come to pass. Theresa as I read how the true & living God called you to himself I cried tears of joy and shouted Hallelujah! He is a great and mighty God, full of compassion and mercy. May the Triune God in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit richly bless what he has called you & others to at the Rosebud House of Prayer, bringing Native American people into the kingdom of God, in Jesus mighty name we pray. My prayers are with you.

  5. Hallelujah !!!
    Theresa, Not only has the LORD heard our prayers, he has answered them because they are in his will. Of course all things done in the Lord’s perfect timing. God bless you.
    In Christ’s love, Timothy

    1. Mom I’m here at Juel Fairbanks treatment center for 3 months. I like it he’s ok too, I’m going to Boston for college after. Thanks for the inspiration! I’m going to build something on my land after school and maybe a social club for the youth in and around the rosebud community? 💯🙏🌹🙈🙉🙊♥️®️

  6. What a sweet blessing to see your beautiful House of Prayer. You are an encouragement. Loved chatting with you this afternoon! Your testimony is so encouraging for those of us who ‘tread lightly’ when giving a personal testimony. Thank you for your hospitality and keep doing what you do. God’s hand is on you and your ministry. Peace, Love and much blessing sister!

  7. Mother Theresa Im applying for college at u of m and housing assistance and for funds for a place for a yr❤️☮️😇🙏 and my case at MN.dept of human rights is next month and my disability should be approved soon…god is good all the time and all the time god is good ilym

  8. Hey mother I’m in college now and I applied for housing at hope harbor.
    Ima have a great time at school and making a new family time and time again,
    Plz don’t forget to pray for me ilym

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